Female Founders

Diversity meets startups

Our goal

It's simple - we want more female founders in Switzerland

We strongly believe that diversity boosts innovation. Therefore, we want to increase the number of female entrepreneurs in Swiss startups. The Swiss Startup Association supports female founders with networking opportunities, knowledge, expertise and education. We work closely with other organisations that support women in the startup environment.

What we do

Where women lead, change follows

  • Empowerment: we inspire and empower women and girls to take the entrepreneurial path
  • Visibility: we give a voice to women in the startup ecosystem
  • Community: we engage and connect with the Swiss startup ecosystem and work closely with other associations and organisations for events and activities
  • Growth: we are currently building our network and mentoring program, so stay tuned!
  • We rise by lifting others!
Who we are

Join female forces

We are the driving force making things happen. We are bringing this project to life to inspire and empower women to take the entrepreneurial path and to close the gender gap in the Swiss startup ecosystem.

As a project of the Swiss Startup Association, we don’t want to compete with existing organisations, but rather support each other and build a more sustainable environment for female entrepreneurs. This includes promoting already existing organisations and making use of synergies between them and us.



Explore the colourful universe of female entrepreneurship


Fem’up created a platform where young women get inspired by and learn from other women. It builds visibility for female role models. Together, women strengthen each other’s networks and help more women to be empowered by the community.

Learn more

Female Founders Initiative

In 2020, the Female Founders initiative created an amazing Swiss Female Founders Ecosystem Map. It provides transparency and portrays great female role models in the startup ecosystem. The map categorises startups by industries for ease of use.

Access the map

FEMtrepreneurs Basel

The University of Basel Innovation Office has launched the FEMtrepreneurs initiative in 2019 to reach gender equality by promoting female entrepreneurship and enabling women to found their business. We join forces for events and initiatives promoting role models, growth, and collaboration.

Learn more

Political work
Wenger & Vieli Startup Desk Lawyers

The Wenger & Vieli Startup Desk, led by two female role models, offers different packages and services, such as access to legal and tax workshops, as well as webinars.

Please get in contact via email: femalefounders@wengervieli.ch.

Learn more

Political work
FE+MALE think tank

FE+MALE Think Tank transfers research approaches into market-driven solutions to support investors, organizations, leaders, institutions and founders to achieve their gender diversity and equity goals in entrepreneurship.

Read their recent article about Unconscious Biases in Investment Decisions.

Learn more


The Collective unites organizations and initiatives that promote female entrepreneurship within the Swiss startup ecosystem. Its goal is to enhance transparency, collaboration, and collective impact. Link: 

Learn more

State of Gender Diversity in European Venture report

The Swiss Startup Association has been a proud Partner of the State of Gender Diversity in European Venture report – the biggest initiative in Europe mapping the state of funding for female entrepreneurs and emerging fund managers in Europe.

If you have not read the report already, you can access it at: www.stateofgenderdiversity.com.

Relevant Blogposts

HABIBA Alami, CEO at Happy Pot GmBH
Meet Swiss Startup Association Premium member - Meet Jessica Gilgenbach, CEO SmartPath AG
Olga Dubey, CEO at AgroSustain SA
Professional expertise

Collaborations and advisors

Melina Stavrinos Location and Partnership Officer at Médecins Sans Frontières
Melina is an enthusiastic communication professional with a background in organisational communication and entrepreneurship.
Celine Schulze Co-Founder & CEO of Benezet Bridge Ltd
With her background in finance and organisational psychology, Celine helps entrepreneurs and small companies reach their goals and potential.
Petra Rohner Owner of PR Consulting GmbH
Founder of the SWONET Foundation which supports activities by and for women in Switzerland and promotes economic independence and social equality for women.
Catrin Rubenson Owner of Rubenson GmbH
Manifestation and career coach, moderator, and partner of the online magazine businessfrau.ch.
We care

Other topics that may be of interest

Youth Entrepreneurship

We inspire the next generation of founders with lectures from experienced founders.

Learn more about the initiative


We aim to amplify the startup voice to governmental authorities.

Learn more about our political goals

Become a member today

Join us as a member and enjoy various benefits that will take your startup to the next level!

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