Sales Desk


About us

SalesPlaybook helped 300+ B2B SaaS & Professional Service entrepreneurs such as Boostbar, Skribble & Pricenow to build & scale sales quickly, efficiently and without trial & error through pipeline generation, 1:1 sales coaching & Hubspot services.

Sales Pipeline Generation

Most companies fail due to a lack of qualified pipeline from their Ideal Customer Profile. Stop relying on volatile, uncertain leads from inbound, partners and your network. Build & operate a repeatable, predictable inbound-led outbound sales engine, without trial & error.

1:1 Sales Coaching

Most companies fail because they run out of cash, because they do not close enough big deals fast enough. Stop wasting time with prospects who will never buy and start closing deals 2-5x your average deal size. Collapse sales cycles from quarters to months without wasting resources on PoCs that never convert.

Hubspot Services

Sales people convert demand into revenue, but do not build data-driven operations.Implementing, optimising & operating a sales stack in 2024 can be a nightmare. Get things done in weeks instead of never and focus on scaling sales itself.


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