schochauer´s services

Legal advice on all relevant legal aspects, in particular, but not limited to:
- Contract law, the latter with a focus on cooperations with suppliers, customers and other peers (incl. structuring, drafting and negotiating respective cooperation / joint venture, procurement, work, supply and distribution agreements and any general terms of business)
- Intellectual property law (incl. protection of knowhow and trademarks as well as their registration)
- Employment law (incl. general employment conditions)
Both locally as well as abroad, the latter in close cooperation with our colleagues from partner firms within the MSI Global Alliance network (

- Structuring and setting up new businesses (incl. respective tax considerations)
- Incorporation of new companies (incl. public notarizations and registration with the commercial register)
- Corporate house keeping (incl. certifying signatures and filing any changes with the commercial register)
- Capital increases / capital rounds (incl. public notarizations and registration with the commercial register)
- PSOPs / ESOPs (incl. respective tax considerations and rulings)
- M&A and related transactions.

Duties of directorship as a chairperson or member and / or secretary to the board of directors of companies and / or to the board of foundations with whom schochauer maintains close ties.

Nicolas Keller
lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law
T +41 (0)71 227 84 84

Tax law: Claude Aemisegger
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Swiss Certified Tax Expert
T +41 (0)71 227 84 84

Contract / IP / Employment: Thomas Mayer
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law
T +41 (0)71 227 84 84