Legal Partner

Prager Dreifuss Attorneys at Law

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The countdown has started. Five, Four, Three, Two, One and....

The idea came to you a long time ago. All it takes now is to make it reality! You have to set up your own business, preferably quickly and cost-efficiently. Our startup team will help you with all the legal matters associated with forming and building up a company. Whether it’s a case of choosing the appropriate legal form, employee participation, concluding rounds of financing with the right investors or protecting intellectual property: we’ll be pleased to help and will take the strain off you as far as the legal issues are concerned.

Your contact

For many years we have been advising innovative start-ups in all legal and tax matters

Christian Schönfeld
Counsel Prager Dreifuss
T +41 44 254 55 55

What personal advice would you give to a startup shortly before its foundation?

Do not let unnecessary side issues stop you from pursuing your goal but also do not neglect setting up your operations and a proper structure keeping in mind what may come in the future. You will reap the benefits of this in the future.

What excites you about the startup world?

Having the chance to get in touch with the most innovative minds out there and the entrepreneurs who will shape the world of tomorrow and being able to make a contribution towards them achieving their goals.

Which Swiss startup would you have liked to invest at the very beginning?

“Dagsmejan” – their pyjamas improved our sleep quality dramatically.

What happens next?

Naturally, you know your individual business model best. Of course, we will be in constant dialogue with you. That way, we can take your actual input and needs on board and can support and advise you at all times, in all matters and in all situations as effectively as possible. We know from experience when we have to ask the right questions to protect you from legal pitfalls.

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