IP Partner

Mathys & Squire

Mathys & Squire

Mathys & Squire is a European IP law firm with a dedicated Swiss start-up team devoted to building global protection for your ideas. We are rooted in the largest hubs for IP protection in Europe and have over 110 years of experience in optimising global protection and commercialisation of IP rights. With over 110 qualified and training attorneys we can draw on a wide range of technical and scientific expertise. Our Swiss start-up team offers support in German, French and English and is regularly available for in-person meetings in Switzerland.

Main Services: 

Swiss startup package 1

Filing strategy for patent protection with high flexibility and maximum deferral of cost, permitting freedom to adapt the patent scope as the technology evolves and as visibility of commercial significance increases, as well as optimising patent term. An initial patent application in a low-cost territory such as Luxemburg or the UK establishes a robust priority date at a minimal cost. A follow-on PCT patent application can capture refinements to the initial filing and establish wide territorial protection. The PCT application can mature into a European patent application affording patent protection in Switzerland.

Swiss startup package 2

An initial European patent application affords patent protection in Switzerland and elsewhere. Follow-on filings in other territories can be deferred to permit protection in further territories at a later stage. Robust protection in Switzerland is achieved with a view toward rapid enforcement opportunities.

Swiss startup package 3

An international design registration including designation of Switzerland affords design protection in Switzerland. Ease of protection in further territories – including the EU – can be enabled in the same international design registration. Design protection in Switzerland is achieved cost efficiently in combination with protection elsewhere.

Offer for SSA members

We offer you a free initial patent filing strategy consultation.



Andrea McShane
Andrea McShane
Partner | European & UK Patent Attorney | Dipl. Masch. Ing. ETH, PhD (Chemical Biology) DIC
Aymeric Vienne
Aymeric Vienne
Managing Associate | European, French & UK Patent Attorney | ECL(Eng), (BEng)
Danielle Champagne
Danielle Champagne
Associate | European Patent Attorney | Msc, PhD
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