Webinar: Mastering Growth – Scaling at any Price?
Join us for this online session, co-hosted with ZKB and QUMEA, to learn how to handle the challenges of growing internationally and sustainably.
Startups often feel pressure from investors to grow quickly, but expanding too fast or at the wrong time can be very costly. Premature scaling is one of the main reasons startups fail. Gain insights from QUMEA, the holder of the SEF Growth High Potential Label and winner of the SEF Award 2024, on how they master these challenges.
?Date: 18.09.2024
⏰Time: 12.00-13.00
?Location: Online – Zoom
David Meier, COO & Co-Founder QUMEA
Yves Becker, Investment Manager at Zürcher Kantonalbank
Main takeaways from this session:
- Gain valuable insights from the field
- Learn more about different aspects of sustainable and healthy growth
- Learn about the importance of a fundamentally strong team culture and organization
Secure your spot today and avoid the most common mistakes in your growth!
QUMEA is pioneering the healthcare sector with an innovative, anonymous patient room monitoring system. The intelligent system revolutionizes care processes through proactive risk management, fall prevention and medical decision support. By providing early and actionable information, QUMEA enables caregivers to be there for patients when they need help. QUMEA was founded in Solothurn in 2019 and is successful in Switzerland and internationally. 90 healthcare institutions rely on QUMEA and achieve demonstrable successes such as a 74% reduction in the fall rate and cost savings of up to CHF 40,000 per ward and month. Behind this success is a dedicated team of 37 experts based in Solothurn, Stockholm and Mannheim, including former key employees of renowned companies such as Kry, Philips and Ascom, as well as successful start-up veterans.