Meet our Investor Member Annette Jordan

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a mechanical engineer and have more than 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, as a managing director and board member. Since three years I am investing in start-ups.

Why did you decide to become an investor or work with startups?

I like to be part of something new and I am interested in the latest developments in the tech sector. I was also on the lookout for new investment opportunities.

Where are you paying the most attention today for future deals? What industries are you interested in and why?

Impact (environmental protection, animal welfare, health promotion) – Tech (B2B) – Diversity
I want to make a difference with my money and invest profitably at the same time

Which startup funding stages are you most interested in?

I am interested in startup at the seed stage.

Tell us more about your plans for 2024 and beyond? What type of companies/founders are you looking for? Where do you plan to invest?

As a female investor, I would also like to make the start-up scene more female and support mixed start-up teams.

Can you share some of the success cases in your investor path?

I have invested in 7 start-ups (only in pooling). Most of them are developing very promisingly.

What are your key learnings so far?

The founders tell what the investors want to hear, so it is very important to ask questions and understand the business case. It often takes one or two interim financing rounds to reach the next stage. So it is not done with one round. Women-only teams find it very difficult to obtain higher investment sums.

One piece of advice for someone who is just starting out with their startup?

The founders should clarify whether there is a large market for the idea and whether they have the energy to follow through with this idea. Furthermore, start-up programmes are certainly helpful in clarifying important organisational issues and building up a network

What is your top priority about the company, team, or product you invest in?

The team and the product market fit

What does it mean to you to be a member of the Swiss Startup Association? 

I am looking to connect with other female investors and learn more about investing overall. I have been twice at a female founder’s event. Both were very interesting.

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