Legal Partner

Wenger Vieli

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Supporting young entrepreneurs is particularly close to our hearts

The Wenger Vieli Startup Desk is deeply rooted in the Swiss startup and venture capital ecosystem and has launched and supported various projects and initiatives to foster innovative entrepreneurship in Switzerland throughout the last two decades.
We consider young entrepreneurs and startups our core business and are passionate to support these game-changers. With a strong focus on technology-based startups and venture capital, we are committed to investing in the success of your business. We guide you and your company from startup to a successful exit. And in doing so, we dedicate all our legal expertise, industry know-how and ecosystem experience as well as network to achieving your goals.
The Wenger  Vieli Startup Desk team is the perfect mix of young and experienced lawyers who can offer entrepreneurs and pioneers a highly efficient environment at eye level!

Your contact

For many years we have been advising innovative start-ups in all legal and tax matters

Michael Baier
Partner Wenger Vieli
T +41 79 393 38 34

What three words would you use to describe the startup scene in Switzerland?

Bold, passionate, pioneering

What personal advice would you give to a startup shortly before its foundation?

Make sure your interests amongst founders are aligned and that you have a sound contractual basis to deal with your mutual commitments to the start-up as well as leaver mechanisms – leaving or unhappy co-founders are the no. 1 reason why start-ups fail.

What excites you about the startup world?

To find myself in an open and dynamic environment where I can help young and hungry entrepreneurs to make a difference at a stage where it really matters to them. This is just incredibly rewarding.

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