Webinar: Maximizing Your Swiss Startup’s Potential with Nearshoring and Offshoring
Join us for an webinar: Maximizing Your Swiss Startup’s Potential with Nearshoring and Offshoringwhere there we’ll explore how Swiss startups can significantly enhance their productivity and growth through strategic nearshoring and offshoring.
📆Date: 05.09.2024
⏰Time: 12.00-13.00
📍Location: Online – Zoom
Michael Dudli, Founder & CEO of Xelon
Mariusz Pietrzak, Co-founder of Codepole
Kudah Mushambi, Co-founder and CEO of Adaire
In this session, you will:
- Discover the Benefits: Understand how nearshoring and offshoring can provide cost savings, access to specialized talent, and increased operational efficiency.
- Overcome Challenges: Learn about potential obstacles such as cultural differences, communication barriers, and how to effectively manage remote teams.
- Implement Best Practices: Gain insights into the most effective strategies for integrating nearshoring and offshoring into your business model, ensuring smooth transitions and successful outcomes.