
MyCamper, welcome to the SSA! Tell us about what you do in a nutshell.

MyCamper is the largest sharing platform for camper vans, RVs, and caravans in Switzerland. We operate in Sweden too. What we do is revolutionize the current traditional and fragmented camper rental market by opening it up to privately owned campers.

Camping is definitely an activity and indulgence that we can imagine will increase with today’s circumstances. What drives the MyCamper team?

We all want to make camping accessible and give people freedom. We know that we can offer our customers the opportunity to make better use of existing resources.

Thoughtful and full of value for your target. Would you say you hit any bumps around the road or any successes?

A big success for us as a startup within the travel sector was that we were able to close our third financing round during the Corona lockdown scenario in spring 2020. MyCamper is really picking up traction in our first international market Sweden, we have reached 1,000 vehicles on our platform within Switzerland … and we hit the million revenue mark.

Congratulations! These are no small achievements and to have succeeded within the Covid-Frenzy is remarkable. Any strange facts you can share about your team?

My co-founder is a frog and wood enthusiast… 😉

That´s one of our best “Fun-Fact” answers to date! Can you sign us off with some words about why MyCamper joined the SSA?

We joined to make sure we have a political voice in Bern and believe your platform will support us in doing that. We would like to work with you to get better regulatory environments for startups in Switzerland. The dynamic and attraction to start own businesses will definitely increase and if we can help shape the landscape with you, we are happy to do so!

Awesome! Thank you for the kind words and support, we are excited for our journey together!

Find out more about MyCamper here: 

Are you on your own path to revolutionise an industry sector? Contact us here and share your story with us.


Adele Bottoni


Aline Geissmann


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